[mdx] what to trust

Josh Howlett Josh.Howlett at ja.net
Fri May 8 02:27:14 PDT 2009

> So what you say is that the only way to encode trust in 
> metadata *internal* to a metadata aggregator is signatures. 
> That might be true... I need to think about that.

I think there's another way:


You could include an assertion in the EntityDescriptor which acted as a
trust decoration.

My earliest thought was that an authentication assertion might be the
most appropriate vehicle for this, where the assertion bears a new
SubjectConfirmation method that binds the assertion crytographically to
the EntityDescriptor envelope (ie. using a signature calculated over
{elements of} the EntityDescriptor envelope).

An entity might have multiple instances of these assertions, injected
sequentially by different aggregators. This would allow a metadata
consumer to establish provenance.

However, metadata-attr-cd only supports attribute assertions. Of course,
you might be able to achieve a similar effect with attribute assertions,
but possibly at the risk of overloading the semantics.


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