[mdx] MDX & expressing communites-of-interest

Ian Young ian at iay.org.uk
Wed May 20 09:12:31 PDT 2009

On 20 May 2009, at 17:08, Josh Howlett wrote:

>> Another approach would of course be for the aggregator to use
>> the list of entities from the affiliation entity (however
>> acquired) to generate an aggregate containing only those
>> entities.  I'm not keen on this, though, as it only works
>> when everyone you want to talk to is in exactly one such collection.
> Which is precisely the effect I want to achieve :-). I want one
> collection for Web SSO, another for eduroam, another for perfSONAR,  
> etc.

OK, I was assuming we were talking about multiple communities who  
might all be associated with, say, Web SSO.  That seems like an  
important use of the concept too.

> Are our porpoises uncrossed?

For the example you give above, I have no problem at all with the idea  
that an aggregator could suck up an affiliation entity and use it to  
produce an aggregate containing just those entities named, say the  
eduroam ones.  When your communities are disjoint, that's fine.  It's  
not the general case, though, and I want to talk about the general  
case as well as the one you're interested in.

	-- Ian

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