[mdx] Feedback on https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-young-md-query/

Cantor, Scott cantor.2 at osu.edu
Fri Aug 23 07:00:29 PDT 2013

On 8/23/13 4:33 AM, "Leif Johansson" <leifj at sunet.se> wrote:
>>-- 2.2 specifies that "all metadata retrieval requests MUST use
>>    the GET method" -- would this preclude the normal use of HEAD
>>    as an alternative to test for changed data, etc.?
>Agree. Lets describe the use of the HEAD method for cache
>validity checks.


We don't need HEAD to do cache checks, and that just adds multiple ways of
doing the same thing.

>> -- 2.5 appears to just recapitulate status codes from RCC2616. If
>>    so, rather than repeat them verbatim in this draft, I'd suggest
>>    that a reference simply be made to the appropriate section of
>>    the RFC.
>Also good point.

Disagree. We're defining what the codes mean in our context here.

>-- 3.1, Identifiers: Prohibits an identifier starting with a left
>>    curly brace, but is silent about other potentially magical
>>    characters such as plus signs... (I assume that's because 3.2.1
>>    specifies that the identifier "must be properly URL encoded" but
>>    that requirement should really be part of of 3.1, not 3.2.1,
>>    shouldn't it?

No, it's precluding the brace because it has special meaning. The encoding
of the character should be irrelevant here. We're talking about the
decoded value not being a brace.

>>-- 3.1.1, Transforms: are the identifiers case sensitive? That is,
>>    'md5' is mentioned as is 'sha1' -- is that equivalent to
>>    'mD5' and 'Md5' and 'MD5', for example?
>They should be case-insensitive.

I'd prefer not. URLs are case sensitive, and I'd rather not introduce
folding requirements.

>>    As a wanna-be crypto guy, I also have some concern about
>>    a newish spec specifying deprecated hashes (e.g., MD5 should
>>    really not be re the required "lowest common denominator"
>>    required transform for this or any other purpose)
>We should do a threat-analysis....

We're not using the hashes for security here, so I doubt there's much

>> -- 3.2.1, Reqest: How long can a request be? Hypothetically, what
>>    if I have a laundry list of a thousand IDs, all transformed into
>>    SHA1 hashes? That could make for a long request!
>... or sha256

There really is no clean way to address URL length that I've ever seen.

>>    In 3.2.1, are the curly braces around the IDs literal curly braces
>>    or is that just a semantic representation issue?
>cf note about needing to discuss {} above

It's a specification of the actual character, after any decoding.

>>-- 5.1, Integrity: Seeing that an integrity check is only RECOMMENDED
>>    rather than REQUIRED bothers me, a lot. I think this is a fundamental
>>    mistake. Content integrity checks should be MANDATORY IMHO.

The reason it wasn't required is for protocols like OpenID and OAuth. We
were trying to be general and not limit this to SAML and our use cases.

-- Scott

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