[mdx] syntax for entity-attributes

Tom Scavo trscavo at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 16:53:34 PDT 2011

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Ian Young <ian at iay.org.uk> wrote:
> In a folksonomy, the clashes are the whole point.  They are where the definition of the tag arise from.

Okay, I think I understand your point, but let me back up. I see why
Chad wrote the MDX spec. I'm also clear about Leif's generalization
and how one can query a metadata store based on entity attributes. All
of that is fairly well defined as a mechanism for metadata query over

What I don't understand is how tags fit into the MDX framework? I'm
not questioning the value of tags but AFAICT they are orthogonal to
entity attributes, if in fact we want to incorporate Leif's
generalization into MDX.

> Reference?  Anything written by Clay Shirky around 2005.

Interesting. Especially his trust model based on "algorithmic authority."


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